Turtle Island Hashers is a group of Hash House Harriers (H3) that organizes social running and walking events in the Toronto, Canada area. Here’s some information about them:

Hash House Harriers is a global network of non-competitive running clubs that emphasize socializing and having fun.
Turtle Island Hashers is the Toronto chapter, named after the indigenous name for the region.
The group hosts regular “hashes,” which involve a group run or walk with a twist: the route is unknown, and participants follow a trail of markers to reach the end.
Hashes often feature themed events, costumes, and social gatherings.
The group welcomes runners and walkers of all levels, ages, and backgrounds.
Turtle Island Hashers aims to create a fun, inclusive environment while exploring Toronto’s neighborhoods and parks.

What is Hashing?

Rules of Turtle Island Hashers

  1. There are exceptions to all rules
  2. Refer back to rule #1
  3. Never let the Truth get in the Way of a Good Story
  4. Cheating is Promoted, but Penalties are Great
  5. Sex, Drugs and Alcohol are a Given (with respect to the law)
  6. Must be a Turtle ………. Are you a Turtle?
  7. Live within 100’ of water or 1 mile from salt water
  8. Must own a pair of sandals (Flip Flops Negotiable)
  9. Must run or attempt to run 1 mile per day. Definition of running is forward motion
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